Thread: Insurance
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Old 11-25-2015, 11:05 PM   #19
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Re: Insurance

Hagerty made me take a picture of it in the garage and send it to them. It lives under the carport though.

Originally Posted by knomadd View Post
I have Hagerty for my GTO and love it. I haven't seen any paperwork on the restrictions, but all things I've heard and been told suggest they have no restrictions. Or at least none that affect me and how I use it. Occasionally bring it to work or running errands, but I don't put a lot of miles on it.

I skimmed most of the replies so I apologize if this has been mentioned before. I do feel it is worth mentioning again if it has already been said though. Hagerty told me they would not insure my C10 because it is parked outside. They told me they can provide lower rates because the vehicles are kept inside a building, out of sight and harder to get to, so it's not an easy target for vandalism or weather events that may require a claim. Because Hagerty wouldn't insure my C10 it's covered by my regular insurance (State Farm) as a secondary vehicle. However, they (SF) told me it can only be insured for up to $7,000. I have more in it than that, so if it gets totaled, I'll be at a loss.
1967 C10, LWB, 250, Powerglide, PS, PB, 3/4 STATIC DROP
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