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Old 02-24-2004, 02:23 PM   #1
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Location: Redwood City, CA
Posts: 20
How hard is it to replace door hinges?

I'm planning to replace the door hinges on my -77 C30 truck. How hard is this to do? The service manual is very brief on it's description so I assume it shouldn't be to hard. (Except that the doors might be heavy!). My thinking is to do the following:

1: Use masking take to mark current hing position
2: Unscrew the door from the hinge and remove it
3: Remove the hinge from the chassis
4: Install new hinge to the chassis
5: Reinstall the door
6: Adjustements as needed

Is it possible to do the above operation without losening/removing the fender?

Where is a good place to buy replacement hinges?

Best Regards,


-77 C30 Crew Cab
-53 C3100
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