Thread: New Fuel Tank
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Old 11-27-2015, 05:23 PM   #1
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New Fuel Tank

Hello Folks,

Recently picked up a '70 GMC 1/2 ton. 250 straight 6, 4 on the floor and the optional leafs out back. Took the fuel tank out of the cab to clean it, cleaned it, then it started leaking. I hate the idea of an in cab fuel tank so I am looking at relocating. I am aware that I can buy a blazer/jimmy/suburban tank and mount it out back. That's not the issue. My problem is that I want to do an EFI swap in the future (who knows could be LS, TBI, FAST.. etc.) I need a tank that will work now for my carbureted application, as well as be EFI ready in the future. I'm not a fan of inline fuel pumps and would like to go with an in tank set up when the time is right. A friend of mine told me to get an 88-91 blazer/burb tank, as that is when TBI came around. I'm just.... not yet savvy enough to know if this work for me now and in the future.

Here is the kit I am looking at ordering.

Thanks in advance!
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