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Old 11-29-2015, 09:13 PM   #785
Stepside Jim
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Re: 1957 Chevy truck re-rebuild

Thanks everybody, I see there is excitement and support for this phase of this truck build.

Last year at this time I was assembling the front fenders and starting to think about getting the weather stripping ready for around the vent windows and such.

Let me say, it is all a work in progress, one project at a time, can't move forward til each area is finished in it's proper order.

Now that I've paid the price of time and patience to get where I am now I am so excited for spring time again.

I finally got back into the shop. I have many concerns about fitment concerning accerator cable, transmission kick down cable, HEI distributor, upper radiator hose and front belts and pullys and the space for the blower belt.

One item that also needs modification is the hood cross brace. My plan is to tie the four brace rods to the under hood support I made some time back.

Off came the old manifold and on went the blower manifold and the blower itself. I have a few items to modify but nothing major. I will address all the fitment issues in the next couple of weeks, once everything is properly fitted, the engine comes out for forged pistons, new heads and camshaft.

Here's how a 1957 Chevy Truck with a Big Block and a Weiand 177 series blower fits in the engine bay.

My 57 Chevy truck build.
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