Originally Posted by jocko
just spitballin here - but a few questions:
1) I'm assumin one can't simply slap a 3.54 R&P on a carrier that previously held 4.10s (or 4.56s), correct? - the whole carrier would need to be swapped, yes?
2) Aftermarket was mentioned above - what is the lowest numerical R&P set that will fit on a 4-series carrier, 4.10? Who are some of the aftermarket companies that might carry some of this stuff? Currie? etc.
3) Is there an aftermarket means of making one's 4.10 D60 a 3.73?
If you currently have 4.10's, you can swap in 4.30's,3.92's, 3.73's, and 3.54's on your carrier.
If you have 4.56's, you can run 4.88's, 5.13's, and a fair bit lower.
It is also possible to swap in 3.07's if needed.