For reference to all the "CFM" stuff...
I have a very snotty 355 that I have used a Holley 3310 (750 vac sec) on for years. I have used 3310's on most of my builds. But had my carb guy swap out the 750cfm main body of the 3310 for a 600cfm main body from an 1850.
My truck is currently in a bazillion pieces so it will be aile until I could report how I like it. But I think it's gonna be waaaaayyyyy better on the street than my 750 was.
I have a buddy with a '72 Monte with almost the exact same engine combo as me that I might see if he will let me bolt it up to test it out. But until then... it won't be until early summer until I get the truck back on the road.
Also... even some of us that love the ol' Quadrajet... still call them Q-pukes. I cut my teeth on those carbs and have the scars to prove it.