Re: Torchered
When the sh*t hits the fan...
During my last visit in October I was told " we ordered new bedsides because we tried to fix the rear lower quarter but we just can't make it look right, and the tail lights are sloped in. There not supposed to do that so this will be easier"
And I say "ok". On the way home the $$$ signs start rolling through my head so I call them the following Monday and askthem to halt any more work. A couple crazy weeks go by and I make it to the shop and speak with the chief fabricator Dan. He explains how and the whys and that it won't cost as much as I'm thinking because they know the pickle I'm in.
Now the bed is nothing but a substructure. Both side skins and tailgate skins have been removed. 67 bed sides are going on. Which means the rear has no bumper mods and side marker holes while the front has both. Time and fitment will tell how that plays out but I think the side markers will stay. Oh how many things have changed. lol I've waited 4 years to see my wheels on this thing and it looks like it won't be my Christmas present. Perhaps my birthday in May. Cheers to all of you and have a great December!