Originally Posted by jbreeves72C10
My thinking was that the body style, 68 or 72, is not the square body that started in 73. So, if I go in the 60's class then I am competing against like trucks. If I go in the 70's class, I am also competing against 7 years of different body style trucks. Makes more sense to me to enter the 68 class but I wanted your opinions. I don't want to be THAT guy :-) I appreciate y'all's input.
Same thing if you're entering the 60's class... 60-66 is 7 years of a different body style
Everything posted above is why I never enter in shows. I take my truck to tons of small, local cruise ins, or "shows" where there's really no classes, etc. Some don't do anything, some do "top 10, or top 25". When I go to big shows like Charlotte, etc I usually park my stuff in the parking lot, takes way too long to get inside. I've only ever won one trophy (was like 3rd place) and I don't remember what it was for
I agree with "67 Chevelle", to me your truck looks like a 71/72 with a tube grille, so that's what I would enter it as... but if you're having
better luck in the 60's classes... it's really up to you.