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Old 12-06-2015, 08:40 PM   #1
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73 up disc brakes for 68?

I'm looking for parts to do a disc brake conversion on a 68. The 68 has 6 lug drums on the front. I'm going to use 5x5.
I'm not interested in spending the money for a kit from a vendor.
I have searched though posts but haven't found anything related to my question.

I was told I could use the disc brake set up from a 73 up truck. The thing to make it work is using the control arms and spindles from a 73 up since the ball joints are different in a 68.
Can anyone confirm this for me?
Basically, what I plan to do if it will work is get 73 up control arms and get dropped spindles and put together the rotors, calipers hoses etc. from a local store.
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