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Old 12-07-2015, 10:37 AM   #1
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 950
What did you do WITH your truck today?

With the huge popularity of the 'what did you do to' thread I was feeling a little left out as mostly I have been doing stuff with Woody rather than stuff too Woody (narf narf)

So... As it is Christmas time I thought I would start a 'What did you do WITH' thread and see how we get along.

Not the best picture, nor the biggest tree but went and collected 'The Tree' with Princess Lulu much to the merriment of the gentlemen dressed up in Elf costumes at the Tree shop.

My mother tells me I am making memories.

My wife says I am making our children weird.

I would say they are both correct, mission accomplished my work here is done.

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