Thanks, dfwright!
The Plan
I would like to keep it mostly original, kinda shop truck meets grandpas Highlander. This is going to be somewhat of a slow process, as time and money allow. So heres my list as of now (not necessarily in any particular order)
keep in mind this is my daily driver so I plan to leave the truck in driving condition as I tackle these projects.
Basic tune up and overall inspection of all the major systems
Get gas gauge working
Rebuild carburetor
Convert to SWB
Remove gas tank from cab and install rear mounted tank
Fix front grill
Paint rear bumper
Paint wheels and replace center rally caps
4/6 drop
Replace front steering components
Replace cab mounts
Install drop center crossmember and auto trans crossmember for additional clearance
Replace driveshaft center support bearing
Rerun exhaust
Clean and paint frame as well as undercoat bottom of cab and bed
Replace interior pieces that are beyond repair (door panels, arm rest, seat cover, etc.)
Recover seat with original Highlander Avocado seat cover
Replace windshield
Install 3 point shoulder harness seat belts
Vintage Air
Update sound system
Replace below eye line mirrors with sports mirrors
Convert to HEI
Rust repair: The cab corners and rockers where done by PO but might need to be redone down the road. Front fender bottoms need to be repaired, and the door bottoms will need some attention. Other than some battery tray and core support rust the truck is pretty solid. I havent pulled up the carpet, but it seems solid from under the truck.
As for the exterior: Id like to keep the current paint (not so perfect patina look). I dont believe its the original paint, but it is the original color combo. I did not like it at first, but it has grown on me. I am going to cut my bed sides and floor to keep the color.
Repair dent in driver side front fender
Repair, clean, polish and paint exterior trim, and eventually replace the bumpers and front inner and outer grills.
Overall: Clean, repair, restore, and reuse as much as I can.
There will be much more, I'm sure, and my mind my change as I go, but thats the plan as of this hour!
Comments, questions, suggestions, and advice are always welcome! This site has been awesome!