Originally Posted by Mrturner1
while your on here acting like a smartass, ask yourself why you have so much free time in your life that you post crap like this on the internet when someone is trying to get some help.
Because I'm rich and good looking and like to help people. You're welcome. If you want it dry and humorless, ask it where I won't see it. But if you have a really simple problem and I give a really simple explanation, I have to jazz it up a little or I'll get bored talking about vacuum modulation.
Originally Posted by Mrturner1
I learned that from you, because I'm on this site asking questions to learn what I don't know, so in English please, if what your saying is even going to help
Read the post, donut hole. It explains why a vacuum modulator doesn't need a vacuum reservoir on a TH400, in plain english.
Now go home and kick your dog or do something to get that aggression out because if you hassle me you're going to get me banned, and then I won't be able to help people like you.