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Old 12-12-2015, 11:21 PM   #12
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Re: 1968 C10 Newbie...Lost Need Help w/Frame-Off Project

Hi there, Merican68C10. I'm new here too. Your right there is lots of info on this board. Quite a bit of info to take in, especially sorting it all out to know your truck.

I'm new to these trucks. I have work on several different projects before. I like to do something different instead of the same old vehicles. I just bought a 68 C10 in Florida about two weeks ago. I live in Normal, about 90 miles from you, I have to go back in a couple weeks to bring it back home.
I'm going to strip it down to the bare frame, clean, paint and reassemble. Disc brakes, lowered suspension an 5.3 swap are my goals.
Good luck with your project. I have fam n friends in Joliet and get there often. I would like to meet you and see your project sometime.
I found another guy in P'field that is building one of these trucks too. This is a link to his build
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