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Old 12-17-2015, 01:18 AM   #149
Nut Case
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Re: 1955 (2nd gen) first timer..

Samples45. Just a good ole boy's approach to your issue. Imagine you are standing about 3 feet on the out side of the passengers door. The top left is in to far and the left bottom is to far out. If that is the issue it can be fixed. I watched a body man in the mid 60's, take a 2X4 placed it at 45 degrees across the upper left door, blocking the door from closing, it's bridged between the rain gutter across the top and the body approximately the same place as the gas filler is on the drivers side. With the block in place, you start pushing in on the bottom of the door. Torquing the door to better fit the cab. Keep pushing on the bottom, checking often, sneaking up on the final fit. Sounds nutty, I truly watched a body man, man handle the door in this manner to get the door to better fit the cab. It's not rocket surgery, but it works. I have no pride to bruise if you opt not to use this method or think I'm a "Nut Case" LOL Good luck.
Been there, wrecked that
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