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Old 12-18-2015, 05:14 PM   #16
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Re: Best Transmission Gasket - Or are they all equal

Since this thread was brought back to the top, I will add some info again. The brand of gasket the Trans shop used is called Farpak. Didn't work for me, leaked everywhere, front to back, side to side. Actually, the bolts were NOT overtorqued as I had previously thought, I checked them with a torque wrench to be sure, the gasket just sucked.

I replaced with yet another sweet O'reilly powertorque gasket, or something like that and again, no leaks.

I don't use tricks, gimmicks, wives' tale sure fixes or anything of that nature, on ANY gasket. I install whatever I get according to the way the manufacturer of the gasket suggests. For underside pans, I use the felpro snap-ups to hold the gasket and pan to make life easier, and help me swear a lot less. The only thing I've ever done that would be considered different, is replaced front and back manifold gaskets with a bead of RTV, which has seemed to work well.
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