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Old 12-18-2015, 11:21 PM   #9
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Location: Weiser , Idaho
Posts: 127
Re: Weather tight access panel for floor ??

Thanks joedoh , that is what i was wondering , as my concern was not only functionality , but not creating a weak point in the floor (both sides) as well

And samples45 , i agree , if the floor will not flex with the section removed , and the lid does all the latching , then if it can be done without getting the floor sections , i'm all for it , when i go to my moms for Christmas , i will stop by my brothers (the one that died this last June) , as my sister in law still has my brothers 53 Chevy , so i will give it a look over , and see how the access panel is set up , then decide what is needed

I wish i had the means to take on that truck as well , but its just not in my budget and i just dont have a place to work on it or a place to store it , since where i live is not my place , and the owner does not understand the need i have for a shop , or the need to tear something apart (he does not like "clutter") , its in about the same shape as the 58 i have , the only thing mechanically wrong with it , is the original 6 cyl block is cracked , other than that , aside from rims/tires , the truck is completely original and would most likely run with a new battery and some fresh gas , and with some air in the tires , i am sure it would move on its own i wish i had a big shop to work out of .... as i am sure my sister in law would just give me the truck ....oh well , one big project is enough for me right now
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