Well, it's too late to send them this year. But, I was at the post office sending my grandson's first Christmas gift and while standing in line I spied these cards. I picked them up and looked, but decided I only had a 20 and it was too late to send them anyway. Still waiting, looking at them a few more times, I realized the package wasn't big or heavy...couldn't be more than $6-$8, and the cards were $10.95. They'd be great to have next year. No excuse to not send early, either. Ok, the stars, moon, planets, and twenty dollar bill aligned in this huge universe just so I could have these cards. How could I not??

I don't know how this stuff works that they sell in post offices, regional, random, individual locations order... I dunno. But maybe your post office has them, so I'm letting you know. Merry Christmas!!