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Old 02-26-2004, 02:39 AM   #47
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Location: Grapevine, TX
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I use to have an ole plain jane 71 blue C10, six cylinder with three on the tree. The shift linkage that ran down the column and on to the transmission was very sloppy. The holes on the shifter rods were "over" rounded and you had to watch to make sure you were in the right gear.

One day it was raining and I had just left a Target store and was pulling onto a six lane highway, and went to shift and had NOTHING. Just up and down with no feeling of the gears at all.

I pulled her (obviously it was a girl) to the bumps defining the median, crawled under her and found the shift rods flopping in the breeze. I got back in the cab, opened my back pack, pulled out an oversized paper clip from some work items, passed the rod through the hole, wired up and took off.

Mama was proud of me that day.

I loved that truck...s he's gone now.
thx, JDY
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