Thread: Napco questions
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Old 12-20-2015, 12:27 AM   #20
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Re: Napco questions

OrrieG, my 57 frame is pristine, smooth, no pits, the VIN and all of the little stampings are there. I'll be swapping the 58 parts onto my frame, I'll just need the usual longer brake hoses, parking brake cables, etc. The 58 frame still has the original spiral shocks but there have to be some shocks that will work. The driveshafts I got are from a swb truck.

The blocks that are on the rear are different from the other NAPCO trucks I looked at. These have a protrusion sticking out similar to a small anvil that would contact the bump stop. The other lift blocks were square.

So it's time to get started on the 265 and find an SM 420. I want to have the frame done this winter.

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
58 frame is easy to use for 57 only difference is the front frame is extended about 2.5 -3" because of the longer 58-59 fenders and extended grille.
Don't pay no mind to that whirrin' sound, she uses a little oil but outsida that she's cherry.
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