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Old 12-20-2015, 02:06 AM   #8
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Re: Finish For Bed Wood?

Originally Posted by vince1 View Post
I got my rough Douglas fir from a yard that was about to dispose of it, it had been there so long. Needless to say it was well dried and it really drank up the linseed oil that had been in my garage for over 10 years. They got along really well. The original boards lasted 50 years. I think these will outlast me. I woodn't LOL use clear coat or anything that hardens because as the wood expands and contracts the stuff will begin to flake off. Use a product designed for wood and if staining go with products that are formulated to work together.
That's good advice on not using a finish that's too hard/brittle. I used linseed oil on my first bed re-do years ago. It worked ok, but got quite dirty as it stays a little gummy. I've also since heard that linseed oil itself absorbs moisture to some extent, so it's not the weatherproofer some think it is.
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