Originally Posted by 68c10owner
I personally have not shortened a truck but I would never do it the way shown in your link. A straight cut to me seems not quite as strong as a "Z" type cut would be and then plating the inside of the frame for extra support.
Cutting the bed own is a lot easier unless you are not handy with a welder. Easy to burn through sheet metal but this is not really a beginner fab job.
I agree with the "Z" cut. The link has all the info regarding the measurements, springs, gas tank, etc. though.
Welding the bed is one thing. Welding a long vertical line in sheet metal is a whole other animal. If you don't know what you are doing it would be real easy to warp the hell out of it.
MARTINSR wrote a really good post in the body section demonstrating how he would lay out he lines and where to cut. If I find the post I will put a link up.