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Old 12-23-2015, 04:34 PM   #34
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Re: wow, really? part prices

Originally Posted by mtdave2 View Post
Really? $500 for a tach dash? I have decided to give my old longhorn some love and fixing things that are long over due and am doing the normal "since I have it apart" thing. I am shocked at prices! they were not this high a few years ago! lol

It reminds me of Harley Davidson, before the 90s they were relatively inexpensive, or at least inline with other bikes. then the fad hit, and all the rich doctors and lawyers thought Harleys were cool, and dam near priced me out of riding. I still have my 95 heritage mostly because I am not spending the sort of cash they want for the new ones. hrumph!

Same seems to be happening to my trucks now. my very first ride was a 72 chevy long step, and I have had one ever since. slowly the "world" has found me, again! Parts are just stupid high, i spent $500 on a rewiring kit, and sighed. Ripping everything apart I now have a list of things I would like to get, unfortunately for me they are all seaming high demand parts, for example AM/FM radio, Tach dash.

I now have a need for skiing vehicle for me and my friends to get to the mountains, and like you guys, my thought goes to a 4x4 suburban. so I start looking and was shocked again at prices....I keep asking...really? ugh

It is not like I am broke, I could buy everything I am wanting but dam! the reason i have some money is that I am frugal. It is the nature progression of life i guess, every old guy complains about prices right?

I have not seen you in so long. Not sure how , as it shows you have been posting. Welcome back and yep stuff is high anymore. I remember years ago when members on this site drove up the price of tow hooks. Same crap different folks, different year. Good luck on the truck
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