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Old 12-25-2015, 07:20 PM   #20
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 950
Re: What did you do WITH your truck today?

Firstly a very Merry Christmas to you all.

Glad to see that this thread seems to have attracted a few more posters, was in danger of becoming 'see what wood Paul has in his truck today...'

Anyway, back to the thread.

One of my friends has fallen on 'hard times' so loaded Woody up with...Wood... and took a trip around the M25 to drop it off, along with home made Mince Pies, crackers and a small festive basket of goodies to make his day slightly more acceptable.

Probably bored of pictures of wood but I don't care, it is my thread!

(that may or may not be the right picture but you get the idea)

Woody showing off his new smile courtesy of Grizz.

Then took a detour to collect some Dexion shelving that was being thrown out so that I can finally start to get some order into my rather messy garage, Grizz would have a fit!

Took the faithful hound and had a very enjoyable 200+mile round trip. No drama, no problems and old Woody performed admirably.

Look forward to the next update when there will be some different colour wood in Woody.

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