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Old 12-29-2015, 04:54 PM   #22
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Re: Looking for a blazer opinions needed plz

Originally Posted by truckman5000 View Post
Thanks, I should be able to handle it. Im a plumber by trade, and can do pipe welding. And ive done allitle car body.

My only thing is i dont want to do a full body off restore.
Im ok with the floors.
But i need to look at/ research the bed floors.

The guy sais the rear rust is alittle below the tailgate. Witch if thats the case great.
But if there is that much floor rot in the front. I would think the bed would be not so good also. Whatcha think on this?
As far as the rear floor goes, and this is just my opinion, replace the whole thing . Sure it will cost more than patching it, but the extra few hundred spent on an entire new floor is worth the hours of aggravation of patching, and you'll have a much better result.It's more or less all bolt in, and could be done in a day or so. Life Jeff said, I would draw the line on restoring one of these trucks is if the rot has eaten away at the firewall and header. Those areas will be a PITA to repair. As long as you're OK with spending around 3K for panels, and are confident that you can do the work, I would go for it. Really, what's your other option? These are difficult to find, and the chances of finding one with no rust will almost be impossible.
If you could post more detailed pics of the firewall and header, it will help us determine the condition of the truck.
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