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Old 12-29-2015, 06:26 PM   #35
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Re: Above windshield rust

Seeing as it's had 3 paint jobs, I wouldn't do anything to that cab until you get it down to bare metal. At that point, you can assess how much rust damage there is. It is here that you will determine whether you want to repair it yourself (buy a welder, gas, cart, helmet; watch videos on how to weld, repair sheet metal etc.), have someone else repair the rust, or look for a nice cab in a dry state and have it shipped to you.

There's no point in slapping on more paint over what's on there. You have no idea if there's filler covering stuff up, etc. I'd say if there's as much rust as there is showing, there's a bunch of stuff lurking that you don't even know about. Certainly not saying this to be discouraging, but only to be realistic and to make sure you don't waste time and money half-a$$ing it only to have more problems surface later.

You can keep driving it as it is, but there's quite a bit of moisture in the air where you live so it'll only keep getting worse after time. Or, you could just say f-it, drive it as it is until it falls apart, and then find a new cab and use that one.

If I were you, seeing as you currently driving the truck (not sure if it's your daily driver or not), I would drive the truck as is and look for a dry, rust free cab. While still driving your truck, get that new cab media blasted down to bare metal, have any minor repairs that need to be done completed, get it put into primer, and then paint. This way, it's done and out of the way. Then you just have to worry about stripping paint off your doors, fenders, and hood. Lastly, and I can speak from experience here, don't bite off more than you can chew financially. Because what happens is, you get some of the work done and then may have to wait forever to get the next stage done. At this point, you aren't driving the vehicle, it's sitting there in pieces, and you can't see the end of the tunnel. And it is here where you start to lose interest, get discouraged, and never get the vehicle back on the road. Don't fall into this trap.... It happens to A LOT of people. haha.

Last edited by 69Tom; 12-29-2015 at 06:42 PM.
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