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Old 12-30-2015, 06:59 PM   #20
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Re: "Albert" -- 1949 AD, S10 Chassis

Originally Posted by DeanTX View Post
Hussey, did you ever mention how many owners "Albert" has had? I'm curious because the fact the name stayed on the truck might mean you are only the 2nd owner.

For my 1951, I am the third owner. The second owner had it since 1960 or so.
I'm going to guess that I'm the third owner to make use of the truck, for me the sheet metal that is.

I know Albert Reeter wasn't the first owner because you can see a ghost image of painted door letters behind his. After Albert a guy bought it at the Reeter farm auction. He kept it for a while with hopes to get it going one day. After some time he then sold it to his son. Same story there. That's when I became the current owner.

If you look on the door it's from Chillicothe, MO which is also where I bought it from. They have a car show there every year and I hope to take it back when I'm done with it, I'm sure it'll get some attention just from the door letters.
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