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Old 12-31-2015, 08:47 PM   #13
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Re: My new '71 Project Truck

Welcome to the site.

I'm one of the guys that like to point out the things most people over look.And seem to shy away from But it looks like you have cancer on the rocker panel.If your truck is a running truck and its drive able.

Its like Mold in a house Cancer should be address probably sooner then later.Fist thing are safety brakes fuel leaks lights and wires.But with the wet times approaching us.It might be time to find a teck school that are looking for trucks like yours to work on and learn how to weld rocker panels in and floors in.

After you take care of the cab you will be more into fixing up your truck more to suit your needs.

All I ask is Don't cheat your truck out of much needed work that would make it more enjoyable to drive having cold air or water entering your cab from holes in the floorboards or a roof If your truck is water Tight your on your way to a nice investment that will be handed down to your family.Nice truck good start
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