I hope the link to my video works now. Here's an update. I took the ignition and fuel pump relay out again and had my wife turn it over while I looked at the flexplate through the hole and behind the plastic starter cover. Looked fine, so I watched the top of the motor while she cranked it and everything looked fine. I put the ignition relay back in and had her start it with the remaining fuel in the rails and it sounded like the noise was coming from up top. I wanted to rule out any acccesory noise so I took the serp belt off then cranked it. It immediately made a huge bang and smoke was everywhere. I see that it blew the valve cover gaskets out, litterally out, and there was plenty of smoke coming from underneath as well, so I suspect maybe the pan gaskets blew out as well.? I'm going to pull it apart now, but I suspect I'll be needing a new motor...
'72 C-10 longbox soon to be short step!
'72 Chevelle (sold in January)

'07 Sebring
'01 Ranger (I've gotta long commute..)
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
My build thread -