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Old 01-02-2016, 11:53 AM   #9
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Re: C10 Frame on a 48 Body (I know I know)

here is the only one I am aware of with a c10 front suspension, he narrowed the arms 2" per side to get them inside the fenders with standard offset wheels. he has a great shot of before and after. his thread link is in his signature, I only linked to the single post.

a word on offsets, if it takes 2" to get a standard offset wheel inside the fenders, a standard offset is 0 to +12 or so on an 8" wheel, you will need a +50 to +62 offset 8" wheel... thats a ton, like volkswagen or saturn fwd offset which are generally accepted as the highest offset fwd. in backspace that is like going from a 5" backspace to a 7" backspace 8" wheel. Thats a lot.
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