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Old 01-02-2016, 11:45 PM   #13
Steven R
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Re: WTB Split rim/ lock ring rims rubber liners

The only and true issues with these type of rims is if the locking ring has NOT been seated right and the tire is aired up to full pressure, Then the ring can come off.

My plan I made with the old timer tire guy is we will get the assembly altogether and then air up the tire in a cage up to 15 lbs. The we will remove the valve stem and deflate, then back up to 15lbs and have a inspection, then If all is good up to normal 35 lbs or as per req.
all this is done in a tire cage as per shop protocol.

really not much to it. But I will state that these are really know as locking ring rims and not true split rims. Like the one that are held together with bolts in the center. like of very large construction tires rims.
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