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Old 01-05-2016, 09:17 PM   #14
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Re: 67 C10 on CL; not mine

Originally Posted by dubds10 View Post
Alberta's not that bad. There's still lots of decent trucks up there and cheap. Just need to look around. This one has been for sale for a little while now as the guy is a flipper, but looks good. $5000CAD or $3500USD.
Evergone is entitled to their opinion, but I live here and look at trucks on a weekly basis, never know what you might find. The majority of the affordable trucks around here have almost no usable parts and they still want a lot of money for them. I'm not complaining as everyone is entitled to ask whatever they want for their stuff. It's no secret and it's a proven fact that these trucks are significantly cheaper stateside.

68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

InstaGram ybnorml67
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