01-05-2016, 09:24 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2014
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Re: Wiring help...Can't figure out one wire ???
Originally Posted by leftybass209
The cloth colored wire is the purple/orange striped wire you can see from the harness, which runs into a soldered split connection, which branches off to the coil and the starter solenoid. At least that's the location of it. I'm running HEI, so insead of that wire mine runs a large gauge red wire instead and doesn't connect like the original.
I believe that is a resistance wire, which has a built in resistance so it won't run a full 12V.
Hope that helps. Also, in the future, if you don't know where something goes, you can always mock the wiring in place. It's all pre-cut to length, so there's only a small number of connections in the vicinity of the terminal to which it will connect.
When I was learning schematics, I would put them in photoshop, then make layers and erase the stuff I wasn't interested in, that helped me narrow down what wires went to what circuits. It's especially helpful when you look at a common schematic, and not a fancy color one like we're so blessed to have in these forums.
Thank you. My problem is I did a Ls swap and I'm trying to figure out what wires I need and don't need. That was one of the last wires I've been trying to figure out. So I'm guessing I don't need that wire correct?