Thread: Power steering
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Old 01-05-2016, 09:59 PM   #1
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Power steering

I have had my truck since November 2014. I have been battling an oil leak. I've replaced several gaskets that I knew weren't working. However within the last week, I was reading a thread here about power steering.

Someone mentioned that the old Chevy power steering pumps ran too much pressure for the T-bird racks. This same person said Speedway sold a pressure reducer. I had replaced the rack when I got the truck. The boots were all cracked and there was fluid all over the place. I didn't really think about it being overpressurized. Anyway, I bought the reducer and installed it today. The old one I pulled out was not a reducer. I'm hoping this will stop the leak.

I don't remember the member's name that mentioned the part, but thank you!
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