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Old 01-05-2016, 10:56 PM   #31
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Re: The word is out !

The word on these trucks has been out for years. I think it was about 10 years ago when i read an article in StreetTrucks. The author of the article basically compared the uprising popularity of these trucks to the immortal 32' Ford. He was correct.

All someone has to do is pick up any truck based publication and there is at least one article and or feature on a 67-72 Chevy/GMC truck. I have owned 67-72's since I was 14 years old, not because they are popular but because thats what has called to me. In that time they have only increased in every way possible, except availability of course.

I know a lot of guys complain about it, but its that popularity that makes them such an enjoyable hobby. The aftermarket supports just about every possible iteration of these trucks. From lowered to lifted, stock to heavily modified and everything else you can imagine there is a part of the aftermarket that helps support your build.

Imagine you were trying to build, modify or restore a 1970 Dodge truck (just an example) good luck trying to find parts for it, whether they are reproductions or OEM, they would be very hard to find. Nevermind aftermarket items. Not popular so no one cares.

Basically all I'm saying is that kind of popularity comes with a cost.

68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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