alex is talking about the rocker boxes, which i net is directly related to added structure needed due to lots of missing metal on the "cab" compared to a pickup cab, probably keeps the rockers from flexing or sagging and messing up the door alignment, i found this out real quick when i chopped the suburban tub, the floor bows real quick when theres no rood structure to preven such from occuring, and when i was dismantling the 72 blazer after i had removed front clip and had disconnected tub frame mounts i could lift the firewall of "cab" and the lfor pans flexed a bunch, the whole entire fornt of tub would move up alot with doors, it was very weak, and but it was totally rusted out junk too though,
the only differences in 69-72 blazer jimmy frames i can think of right how would be if are 4x2 or 4x4, 4x4 rear are all leaf and parallel frame rails, whereas some 2wd were coil and bowed out rea rails
good luck
Randy- Lincoln, IL
71 C-10, trying to assemble....sigh..
parting out 5.0LTPI '81 cutlass supreme brougham
*Paint is overrated
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