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Old 01-09-2016, 06:39 PM   #147
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Re: Ian's Tennessee Honey '64 Short Box Step-side - England

This is not really truck related but I thought I'd share an experience I had earlier in the week. I have been a lifelong fan of the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy. The singer/song writer and front man Phil Lynott died in 1986 and every year on the anniversary of his death a group of his friends organise a series of gigs (known as the "Vibe for Philo") in his home town of Dublin, to celebrate his life and music. People come from all over the world, it's an amazing three days.

Anyway Phil is buried out on the coast a short train ride from Dublin, so on Monday (the anniversary of his death) me and my mate (also called Phil) decided we would go and pay our respects (if we could find his grave!). We got to the train station in Howth and were clearly looking very lost when a gentlemen, who introduced himself as Gerry, asked where we were "off to". When we told him he said he was also going to the grave, had just ordered a taxi and we were welcome to share it, we gratefully accepted.

This is where it got "special". He then mentioned that he was going to visit Philomena and would it be ok with us if we called there first. Philomena is Phil Lynotts mum !!!!! suffice to say we agreed. (sorry about the pictures I cannot get them the right way up)

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I cannot ever remember meeting such a lovely person, she was polite, utterly charming and very hospitable. Although she has much Phil's memorabilia loaned out to museums etc all over the world there is a room in her house where she keeps some of his gold and platinum discs, his juke box and a few more personal items. She was happy for us to browse the items telling us funny stories attached to many of them. She even "made" all of us try on his cowboy hat.

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Gerry it turned out as well as being a friend of Phil Lynott, had roadied for (amongst others) Thin Lizzy and Rory Gallagher, he was great company and kept us amused for several hours with some truly amazing stories.

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The "Vibe for Philo" is always a special few days but this year for me at least it was extra special
Getting old sucks.............but it sure beats the alternative
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