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Old 01-10-2016, 11:32 AM   #1
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72 Custom Deluxe Door Trim Question

I have a recently purchased a 72 Custom Deluxe SWB with the upper and lower trim option. The drivers door lower trim came with the truck, problem was the trim was laying inside the truck. The drivers door has a hole in the front under the hinge and one at the aft end of the door, no holes in between. Looks like someone use some type of stick on clip to hold the middle of the trim to the door. Needless to say it didn't work. Not knowing the history of the truck, I don't know if someone changed the door in it's life.

Question: should there be holes in the door to mount the trim clips to, and if so how many should be between the front and back holes? i.e. 2, 3?

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