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Old 01-11-2016, 10:50 AM   #11
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Re: 69 Chevy - Seeking Upholstery Color Match

After rereading my post, I was a little vague. The passenger side is almost always in better shape that the driver side. Easier to match some patterns than others. I'm struggling w/this one right now.

After you remove the orginal seat cover, wash the part of it you're going to reuse. I've had good results taking them to the car wash and hanging them up and washing them w/the high pressure soapy water. Pretreat w/th Formula 409, let it set for a couple of minutes, then start washing. Don't hold wand too close. Make sure you rinse well, then hang them up to dry. There's 45 years of dirt, dust, spilled cokes etc etc on and on....
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Last edited by 73737373; 01-11-2016 at 11:02 AM.
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