Thread: Baby Steps
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Old 01-13-2016, 11:24 PM   #1
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Posts: 16
Baby Steps

Its really the little things.

Don't have much mechanical knowledge at all. Have a 1970 Step-side with a SB 350. What I lack in knowledge I make up for in passion, because I love that damn truck. Had to store it at my moms for about 8 months courtesy of Uncle Sam. Went to bring her home at Christmas, and couldn't get her to start. It was dark and late, ended up putting her on the trailer with the assistance of a tractor. Got her in the garage at home courtesy of brute force and a few buddies. Went to try and crank it again, noticed gas pouring out of the middle of the carb; figured there was a bad gasket somewhere.

Don't know **** about rebuilding a carb, but tackled it anyway. I know in the scheme of things its a drop in the bucket, and the tip of a needle jammed into an iceberg. But I got it all rebuilt (thankfully with no leftover pieces haha) and not only does it run, it cranks and idles better than ever before. So I know it ain't much; but dang it feels good to learn and make it a little better; especially without paying someone to do it for me.

Love reading the posts of the fellas that know and do it all; always encouraging to see. Thanks for inspiring a know-nothing to start at it one step at a time. A toast to you gents (and the wives that support us all;god bless 'em)
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