Thread: GMC on Hemmings
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Old 01-14-2016, 01:24 PM   #3
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Re: GMC on Hemmings

$14k seems a little high but patina cars/trucks here in CA are really popular especially if it's real, not faked patina. I was at Pomona antique auto swap meet and patina cars & trucks were selling faster and in some cases pulling in more money that fully painted clean vehicles (more true in VW's, classic trucks, and some 40' and 50's cars.. not so true with 60's and 70's muscle cars).

I myself love the patina look but am shocked the money these vehicles are now bringing.

But back to that truck.. it's pretty straight for being original and short beds are costly now so while I don't see $14k.. $9 or $10k is where I think that truck is in today's market (at least here in CA).
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