Originally Posted by MiraclePieCo
I ordered the side window run channels for my '50 AD PU (no vent wings). I assume lots of you guys have done this before, so how do you remove the glass and how do you get the run channels down inside the door? Step by step video would be nice, or just come over to my house and do it for me 
It would not be the easiest thing to video tape. You will need to remove the inner window molding that goes around the window opening of the door. Then you will need to remove the bolts (I think there are 4) that hold the glass to the horizontal channel that runs at the bottom of the glass. You will need to roll the glass down some to access all of the bolts in this channel. Once the glass is unbolted from the channel, roll down the window the rest of the way. This will allow you to rotate the glass in order to remove the glass.
The window channel just presses in. It is pretty straightforward.
Good luck