Thread: BIG Tranny Post
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Old 02-29-2004, 01:30 AM   #8
mike reeh
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swervin: I would love to hear the story...

the late Steve (owner/operator) was a very very outspoken hard headed person.. Before I even committed to the b.t.o. tranny, I talked to him many times and got into phone conversations consisting of a who-can-talk-the-loudest contest.. at one point I was going to tell him to take a flying leap, but I could tell that behind this hard headed dude was an excellent businessman who put his heart and head and soul into his product/business/reputation.. that, and their nearly flawless reputation was all the convincing I needed..

And you know what, Ive had a few issues with my tranny (ones that werent necessarily BTO's fault) and they handled them like champs, and of course were free of charge. My next 700/200/4l80e that I buy will be from them.

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