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Old 01-18-2016, 06:42 PM   #68
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Re: FITECH EFI 600 Basic and Command center intall with pics, factory tank

Originally Posted by steveo3318 View Post

Ok heres the only part that gave me any trouble. I don't wish push locks on my worst enemy. I tried wd40, grease, ky jelly, you name it all in the vice while damn near standing on it. My neighbor came over "a 56 year old DOT" machinery mechanic and tried and said something wasn't right. we tried a torch and it immediately cracked the inside of the hose. Finally I tried boiling them and I still had to put out with all my might with vegetable oil on the fittings. Lets just say the hose or fitting will break before the connection.
I too have had issues with push lock hose and fittings. Having done several EFI installs that use them I knew I had to come up with a solution. Following are some pictures of my crude but cheap and effective gadget. I made mine out of aluminum because that is what I had. It could just as easily been made of steel. I have another handle with a fork on it for angle fittings but I can't find it right now.

I am doing a study find the best lube. So far I have tried motor oil, WD40, "O" Ring lube, JB80, and Joe Gibbs assembly lube. Results are inconclusive.

"In an insane world a sane man must appear insane" ~Spock~
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