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Old 02-29-2004, 02:23 AM   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Oregon
Posts: 147
There is an easy way to figure your gear ratio without having to remove the differential cover. Block the front tires, jack the rear end up (both sides) and put the truck in neutral. While rotating the tire one complete turn, count the number of turns on the driveshaft, then just multiply by two. Also, if the tire on the other side turns the opposite direction you have an open differential; if it turns the same way it has a locker of some sort.

A factory 69 K20 with a 4-spd should have a 4.56 and with an auto 4.10.

The whining you are hearing at highway speeds though is probably the transfer case and not the gears. That is normal for this type of transfer case.
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