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Old 01-18-2016, 10:46 PM   #1
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Cheap temporaryworkspace ideas for kid in college?

Tl;Dr: I need a cheap but sturdy ground material for the cheapest garage style workspace possible. Any ideas are welcome.

Hey fellas,

I have a 1984 K10 I bought a little over a year ago, and I've been putting lots of time and effort into getting it running and driving, but I've decided that I want to do a full teardown to the frame and go through the truck entirely, pretty much a frame off resoration.

Everything I've done to it so far has been in the backyard in the dirt, but I feel like I at least need an overhead enclosure if I want to tear it all down.

What I'm thinking so far is to basically make some sort of greenhouse design but with tarps instead for the roof. Electrical conduit can be had very cheap, and we built a big batting cage a long time ago with this stuff and it held together pretty good!

Where I come to a wall is the ground. I need some sort of really cheap sturdy ground I can drive on without it getting muddy or sloppy.

We were throwing the idea of a carport with custom sides around, but the concrete slab is out of my budget.

I just need something temporary that I can work on my truck in until it's done.

Any ideas out there?


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