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Old 01-19-2016, 02:56 PM   #152
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Re: Starting my engine build

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
At the local shop I trust they break in all flat cams with high zddp oil like Joe Gibbs racing oil (I have no personal or financial interest in it, just telling you what they have luck with).

I've always heard to use light springs if you can, but you'd need a spring compressor, then you'd need to keep track of the shims and springs and where they came from, and a set of light springs to use that don't bind.

Unless we know we're talking about a lot more spring than stock, I'd risk it. But if it IS a lot more, then don't just chew the cam up because swapping springs is hard, we need to do something. But I don't see any indication of heavy springs?
I called the shop this morning and they said it's a single spring, and I wouldn't need break in springs. Good catch on that, if the springs were heavier I would've just gone with it and chewed the cam up.
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