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Old 01-22-2016, 11:25 AM   #14
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Re: What's with all the "Shiny" patina?

My truck was badly oxidized from sitting for 35 years with no love. I hit it hard with CLR and scotchbrite to clean it up. That took care of the oxidation and surface rust.

I then gave it a really good coat of wax and it looked awesome, for a couple of months. Then every in perfection, crack crevice, etc turned white from the dried wax.

This summer I plan on stripping the wax and giving it a good rub down with some Gibb's oil.

I have also heard of good things about Boiled Linseed Oil. Rub it on and let it back in the sun. I used it on my bed rails and bed wood and it turned out great.
1949 Chevy 3600

"Adventures of Henry"
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