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Old 01-22-2016, 01:06 PM   #10
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Re: Check out this sweet 1980 K30 I might have to bid.

I understand that definition of farm truck and have seen plenty in my life time too, but that is not this trucks intention. Yes it will be used, yes it will be used in and on the farm, but it will be taken care of and for. One thing I can't stand is a leaky beat up barely running pile of crap. We have several older tractors and equipment that are as good now as new mechanically and cosmetically not quite so much, but as much as can be. Just good old well maintained and cared for equipment with some scars here and there, but for the most part really nice stuff. Heck I still have the 1951 Oliver 77 my Dad and Uncle bought new.
1967 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan Royal Plum Metallic (1967) My Dad ordered it. 33,xxx miles, parked since 1977.
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