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Old 01-28-2016, 07:50 AM   #322
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Re: Starting my engine build

Originally Posted by Grumpy old man View Post
I'm going to say it .....See what opportunities arose just by slowing down a bit ? and I'm going to say since the machine shop seems to be giving you fair prices would it break your bank to just take everything to them and have them bring it back to a clean correct sealed long block for you ? then you could have the time to correct any wiring problems and really do a nice job on clean up and still have the hands on fun of installing the intake and exhaust and break in run up with the knowledge your gaining from the whole process ??? and DON"T forget to check all the fuel lines and tank/filters and install hard line fuel lines before you turn the key and drag sludge from the tank into your new baby. ??? you'll be way ahead and know for sure it's really ready to go back together and stay together for a long time and possibly gain some type of guarantee ?? .break it in right (the machine shop will guide you in the right direction )
I am going to have them Cc the heads, but as far as re assembly I'm gonna do that in the barn don't want them taking all my glory
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