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Old 01-29-2016, 09:35 PM   #1
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Cal Trans truck broke my windshield

Going down the hiway and a Cal Trans dump truck was coming towards me, as he got almost next to me something flew off the truck and broke my windshield. I'm thinking he was hauling gravel and a chunck bounced out and hit me, I heard about five impacts but haven't been able to look my truck over as its been pouring rain, it was definately from his truck. I called Cal Trans to make a claim but had to leave a message and am supposed to receive a call, probably not until Monday since their claims office closed at 3:30. Anyone ever dealt with a situation like this? Am I going to have to fight to get them to replace my windshield? Sucks as it was a newer windshield and was flawless, also sucks since I just got the truck out of the shop after hitting a deer. My truck is cursed!
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